Tuesday, May 11, 2010

French I Artist Project May 12-13

Today you will learn about a famous French artist. Using the Internet, find as much information on your artist as possible and create a powerpoint about him/her. NO Wikipedia - some of the info is wrong. THIS WILL COUNT AS TWO DAILY GRADES SO DO A GOOD JOB!!!

FIRST SLIDE: name of artist and:
1. Born: when/where
2. Died: when/where/how?
3. find a photo or portrait of the artist and paste it on this slide
SECOND SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. Childhood/ growing up
2. Marriage / family
3. Education if any
THIRD SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. What age did they start painting/ creating art?
2. Mediums used (what did they work with? oil? acrylic? stone?)
3. Problems in life??
4. Economic situation: poor, rich?
5. 1 Major world event during this person’s lifetime:
FOURTH SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. What style of art did they create? impressionism, realism, modernism, etc.
2. Why is this person considered one of the great French artists?
FIFTH SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. How much does this person's original work sell for today???
2. What museums display this person’s work today? Where can you find any of their work in America?

WHEN YOU ARE DONE: save your powerpoint to your H drive THEN
log into www.gaggle.net
under the Jump To menu, select homework drop boxes
find our drop box - Howell French I
save your powerpoint to the drop box by uploading from your H drive
you're done!


  1. The first quiz I took on the BBC website, I somehow scored a 9. Honestly I just guessed thru half of it… But on the second quiz, E.S.L. website, I got 2 more right so made 11 out of 40. On the radio website the first one I did was “Shosholoza: histoire d’une chanson sud-africaine” and I think it was about the history of Africa and its fight against apartheid and also about soccer. After the one about Africa I did one called “On a marché sur la Lune”, it is basically about Neal Armstrong and his first steps on the moon. For the last one I did on this website, I did “En savoir plus sur la rougeole”, it was about measles and how although a cure was discovered already new cases are being found of it across Europe. After that I did the flashcard website and could only get 55 points.

  2. Colleen Crottie: bbc-4 wrong esl- 12/40 right
    Camrai: une ville etape du tour de france-one right something to do with bicycling
    reperage sonore-five correct something 2 do with the chants of the african soccer team at the world cup
    Un chant de l'exil:3 correct has something 2 do with soccer and the president out of exil

  3. • On the first test (12 question multiple test), I scored a 10 which surprisingly shocked me because I forgot most of the material I learned in French 2 over the summer.
    • On the second test (ESL French Test), I made 10 out of 40. The test was quite difficult from the beginning to the end (LOL)

    • Hommage à Michael Jackson- This listening skill was basically about Micheal Jackson’s outstanding success in the music industry. It talks about how he amazed people wit his talents also.

    • Les goûts culturels de Barack Obama- This listening skill was about the president”s role in the world today and how he handles the problems that we encounter.

    • Fou Malade ou l'amour des mots- This listening skill was about a African Rapper who fulfilled his dreams.

    Shaniqua Harris
