Tuesday, September 20, 2011

French I Scavenger Hunt

In top search box type "scavenger" and the scavenger hunt assignment will come up.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

French 3 brainflip project

You will be creating a deck of AUDIO flashcards for your conversation test.

FIRST - open audacity and make recordings of your questions. Try to get your best, clearest pronunciation possible. SAVE them to your hard drive; put them in a french folder where you can find them easily later. audacity instructions are posted earlier on the blog - go to OCT 2010

SECOND - go to www.brainflips.com
REGISTER - your username MUST be your name - first, last, etc so I can grade your work!
open your email and activate the account.

CREATE a DECK - NAME your deck HHS French Conversation 1
add audio to the left card from an audacity file; the right card should be the question typed in french - NO ENGLISH

SAVE DECK when done.

FIND our group - HHS French 3 and click JOIN GROUP. you can ADD your deck to the group

You can access this website at home to practice for your conversation test Sept. 29!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Today you will be creating a CLASS deck of flashcards for our review.
Using your chapter notes, make a flashcard for every VOCAB word and VERB on your list. Split the list in half with your partner.

FIRST - find pictures illustrating all your words and verbs and save them to your hard drive. Work quickly - you don't have a lot of time to spend on this and pick SIMPLE photos, they will upload faster - think comics/cartoons

go to http://www.brainflips.com/
register for an account - username MUST BE your first initial and last name (ehowell)
pick a password that you will remember! you have to give them an email address then open your email and activate your account.

click on MAKE FLASHCARDS at top of page
your DECK NAME is your review chapter: HHS Review Unit 2, 3, etc - start name with HHS!!!!
you don't need to fill in a description or keywords

ORANGE BUTTONS at top of cards - insert PICTURE - no other text on picture side
answer card should be FRENCH WORD - no english on cards!!!

click ADD CARD to move on to next card

when done, click on SAVE (grey box) - this takes a while, it's slow :)

next, you need to JOIN our group - HHS french 2 and your period- find our group then click JOIN GROUP. add your deck to the group deck.
TURN IN your sheet and write on it what you got done today - put a check next to the vocab and verbs that have cards made and write a note whether the deck was added to the group.