Tuesday, October 6, 2009

French II Story Project

http://myths.e2bn.org/story_creator/ Use this website to create your story. Due today! Don't spend too much time arranging, get all your text done first!

French III Lab Project Oct. 7 2009

Today and Friday you will be creating a story using Photostory3 on your computer. You must have:
10 pages
at least 3 complete French sentences per page
at least 5 reflexive verbs
there is no tense requirement, you will probably use a mix of present, past, and imparfait

If you need help, go to the Microsoft Photostory website at http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/tips/firststory.mspx

When you are done, save your story to your hard drive in your FRENCH folder.

2. BLOG - write a blog about your daily routine, at least 7 sentences long, may be in present tense. watch reflexives!

NO ONLINE TRANSLATORS ARE ALLOWED. Use your textbook or a dictionary.