Friday, May 21, 2010


You have 2 assignments today:

1. You are going to create a speaking avatar of yourself!

go to
you can choose the face, hair, clothes, bling, background, etc
use the text to speech to make your avatar talk - have them say "hello, my name is ... and a couple of other things about yourself IN FRENCH! be sure to select FRENCH and then pick the gender you want
when you are done click "submit" (x out the screen that wants you to register) then click on EMAIL to friend and email it to me at

2. to review for your exam, go to and play the games:
under subcategory select:
house - house vocab is on the exam
parts of the body and parts of the body vocab - this is also on the exam
passe compose v. imparfait
passe compose
passe compose verbes irreguliers
Y and En at the very end of the list!

Hope you have had as much fun this year as I have. Y'all were a great class and I really enjoyed teaching you and hope you have a great year next year. Come by the french room and visit your poor old french teacher (if you weren't brave enough to sign up for French 3!!!) :)