We are making posters for the front of the school giving directions to places on campus for visitors. Today in the lab you need to create THREE talking QR codes for your poster.
1. Go to www.qrvoice.net
2. In the space bar, type in your directions in French. You will need to spell things a little differently in order to get a proper pronunciation: for example, spell "continuez and tournez" with an R on the end instead of a Z -otherwise the voice will pronounce the Z. type "tourner" and "continuer."
3. click on the tiny QR code on the right to generate your code. It will appear in the large box below. If you have a scanner on your phone you can scan the code to check pronunciation.
4. right click on the large code and select "copy image." open up a word document and paste the image there. Next to the code, type the name of the place it goes to so you can keep the codes straight!
5. repeat for all 3 codes.
6. In your word document, size the QR codes to the size you need for your poster. All QR codes should be on one page. Print this page- make TWO copies, one for you and one to turn in to the teacher with your name on it.
7. Cut out and glue your QR codes to your poster. Add the codes of your partner.
8. NEXT CLASS: if possible, download a QR code scanner to your phone (they are free) so we can go on a scavenger hunt in class with each other's codes!