Today you will create your own blog using Gaggle. You have a couple of things to do, so be sure to read all the instructions.
Go to and sign in
Under "Jump to Menu" click on "My Blog"
Now you can click on "Create a New Entry" and "Edit Blog Controls" to change the color scheme
Blog rules - no pictures of yourself, and you may not use your last name anywhere public.
Under "Directory" you should have a list of everyone in the school, find my name and click on "blog" at the end of the line. Our blog is moving to this site.
CREATE a new entry:
Today you will write about the two movies we watched, Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources. This blog will be in English. Title this entry "Jean de Florette." You are to write a few in depth paragraphs covering all of the following topics:
1. Irony - how does the author use irony in the plot?
2. The role of water in both stories
3. Characters – could you define one side as bad or good, and why?
4. Tragedy – why is this story considered a tragedy??
Aristotle calls plot the “life and soul” of tragedy (1). It is the single most important element of tragedy. A tragedy deficient in all other respects yet possessing a good plot is much to be preferred to one excelling in all other respects yet lacking in plot.
There are several elements of a tragic plot. Peripeteia (reversal of intention) occurs when a character produces an effect opposite to that which he intended and anagnorisis (scene of recognition) “is a change from ignorance to knowledge producing love or hate between persons.” (2) The best plots, according to Aristotle, are complex ones incorporating peripeteia and anagnorisis within a chain of cause and effect leading ultimately to the catastrophe (change of fortune).
5. Aristotle also said that the best tragic characters bring misfortune upon themselves through ignorance instead of deserved punishment. Which character in the story could be considered tragic, and did they fall through ignorance or do you think they deserved it?
Character names:
Cesar (Papet) the old man/uncle Soubeyran
Ugolin, the nephew
Jean , the hunchback
Aimee, his wife
Manon, their daughter
Florette, old girlfriend of Cesar and Jean's mother
Delphine, the old woman who tells Cesar about Florette
THIS NINE WEEKS: you will have a WEEKLY blog assignment which you will need to complete at home. This will be a daily grade and will be done in FRENCH. Topics will be on the board in the classroom each week.
Bon weekend!