Friday, September 21, 2012

French 2 Trip Assignment Sept. 20/23

You are going to Paris!  Plan a trip to Paris for TWO DAYS.  Complete the info on the handout and turn in at the end of class. FIND WEBSITES FOR:

1.  Hotel - check room rates
2.  Restaurants for each day - SIX different places - be sure to find places that have a menu so you can estimate the cost for a meal - LIST what you are going to eat and the price
3.  Places to go / things to do - 5 things EACH DAY.  Write down the cost if there is one, some might be free!
4.  FOUR things to buy - write down the name of the store/place, what you are buying, and the cost.  BE SURE it is an actual store, NOT just a website.

EXTRA CREDIT:  find a high school in France or Belgium that has a decent website. COMMENT below this post with the website and your name for extra points.  You can't use a website someone else has already said!!!  reminder:  "high school" in france is "lycee."

Done?  go to to play games :)
Bon Voyage!!