Thursday, October 14, 2010

Francais 2 le 15/18 octobre

La poesie!!!

Today you will listen to a couple of short french poems and choose ONE to learn and record yourself reading.

STEP ONE: listen to the following poems as I play them:

La Fontaine: le rat de ville et le rat des champs

Prevert: Dejeuner du matin

PICK ONE and listen to it SEVERAL times, pausing to repeat each line until you have a very good pronunciation. Try to be exactly like the audio!

STEP TWO: When I call time, open up audacity and record yourself reading the poem. you can erase recordings and start over until you have one you are happy with. Look at the other blog entry I have on audacity and mic setup instructions.

STEP THREE: sign into and save your audio file to your digital locker. then we need to figure out, can we upload the audio file from your digital locker to the homework drop box i created, OR do you need to email me the audio file through gaggle? start experimenting and let's figure out what works best.
Amuses-toi bien!!