Your entry will look like this:
Je m'appelle ________________________
Je m'appelle ________________________
J'habite sure la Rive___________
J'habite dans le _________ arrondissement.
Mon address est ___________________________
Mon appartement est près de___________________________________________________
J'habite au _________ étage.
Mon appartment a ________ pièces.
Il mésure ______m².
Il y a _________________________ (4 features)
La station de Métro la plus proche est _____________.
C'est la ligne numéro ________.
La ligne s'appelle ___________.
Mon appartement est_____________________
AFTER you have found 2 places, PICK which one you would choose - write a short couple of sentences why you would pick that one - price? location? je prefere...??? Parce que c'est....????
Due end of class today - we will print or email depending on the printer.
WHEN YOU ARE DONE: - try the french quiz!
www. - try the courses (racetrack) - lots of games
WHEN YOU ARE DONE: - try the french quiz!
www. - try the courses (racetrack) - lots of games