Tuesday, November 1, 2011

French 2 Extra Credit Project

You are going to make a set of flashcards online for our upcoming food unit.

1. go to http://www.brainflips.com/

2. join - use an email you can access today to activate your account
your USERNAME must be your actual name - first and last initial, etc to get credit password must be your SCHOOL password

3. click on BUILD A DECK

4. NAME DECK - HHS french 2 food

5. from flickr or google get a pic of the food item on your list. it needs to be CLEARLY what the food is

6. CARDS: left: photo of food
right side: FRENCH WORD - no english!

7. When you are done SAVE your deck and then add it to our group - HHS French 2 Food

8. then post a COMMENT below in the blog that you added a deck to the site
