Monday, May 24, 2010

FRENCH ONE exam review

Today you have a couple of assignments - keep this blog open for your instructions!
DO THESE ACTIVITIES or you will be shut down. at the end of class I will give you an arcade website to play IF you have done all the work.

1. YOU HAVE 40 MINUTES TO Create a French speaking avatar for yourself! go to
don't register - just click on CREATE at the top
go through the faces, clothes, backgrounds, etc and create an avatar for yourself
for speech, select "text to speech"
type in your writing prompt for the exam you did on the review last class - 5 sentences about yourself
select FRENCH for the language
select the voice you want - experiment with different voices
click play to hear how you sound!
click on PUBLISH - X out the register screen, you don't have to do this
email to me at

under subcategories select:
avoir-present tense
food and cafe vocab
aller - present tense
faire - present tense
passe compose

You can get onto quia at home to practice too!

Friday, May 21, 2010


You have 2 assignments today:

1. You are going to create a speaking avatar of yourself!

go to
you can choose the face, hair, clothes, bling, background, etc
use the text to speech to make your avatar talk - have them say "hello, my name is ... and a couple of other things about yourself IN FRENCH! be sure to select FRENCH and then pick the gender you want
when you are done click "submit" (x out the screen that wants you to register) then click on EMAIL to friend and email it to me at

2. to review for your exam, go to and play the games:
under subcategory select:
house - house vocab is on the exam
parts of the body and parts of the body vocab - this is also on the exam
passe compose v. imparfait
passe compose
passe compose verbes irreguliers
Y and En at the very end of the list!

Hope you have had as much fun this year as I have. Y'all were a great class and I really enjoyed teaching you and hope you have a great year next year. Come by the french room and visit your poor old french teacher (if you weren't brave enough to sign up for French 3!!!) :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aerodrame Questions

Make up questions:
Episode 3
1. Who accompanies the Prime Minister?
2. Who applauds?
3. What's the name of the plane?
4. What are the men going to take from the stand?
5. What's the weather like?
6. Do the police catch one of the mysterious men?
7. What's the "technical difficulty" that keeps Phillippe from being at the mic?
8. What happens when Phillippe calls Radio Inter?
9. Who is the "idiote" next to Philippe?
10. Is Sylvie's line busy?
Episode 4
1. Does Philippe catch up to the police?
2. Where does Philippe go when he loses the police car?
3. What do the police do to check if someone is following them?
4. Why is Philippe's boss going to be furious?
5. What's the color of Philippe's car?
6. Why does Radio Inter keep having technical difficulties?
7. Does the suspect in the police car talk voluntarily?
8. Which inspector do the police call on the radio?
9. Does the secretary answer the phone at Radio Inter?
10. Philippe's boss says that Sylvie is the girlfriend of a ...?
Episode 9
1. What's un scoop?
2. Why is the boss scared to let Philippe do his story?
3. Why does the boss eventually let him?
4. Where is Philippe going to go?
5. Is he going alone?
6. Who's going with him?
7. What is he going to take with him?
8. Is Sylvie happy to be going on a trip?
9. Does Lamarche know that Philippe left Paris?
10. What does Sylvie think of Philippe's job?
Episode 10
1. At what time do they arrive in Toulouse?
2. What's the first thing they do in Toulouse?
3. Where are they building the Delta?
4. What does Philippe want Sylvie to bring him if he goes to prison?
5. How are they going to present themselves at the hotel? (their "story")
6. Who calls Guerin on the phone?
7. What restaurant do they eat lunch in?
8. Do Philippe and Sylvie find a room quickly?
9. Why does Guerin's mom want to see him?
10. Does Geurin have the time to deal with his mom?
Episode 17
1. Who is the client for Aero-France?
2. Is the pilot satisfied with the Delta?
3. What is Muller-Faure scared of?
4. Did Guerin say, yes or no, that the plane could fly safely?
5. Which method of interrogation does Dumas use?
6. When does the client want the demonstration of the Delta?
7. How much time does it take to prepare the flight?
8. What kind of gas does Philippe need for his car?
9. Who is the driver of the truck?
10. Does Philippe get the license plate number of the truck?
Episode 18
1. What kind of collaboration does Dumas ask of Philippe?
2. Who does not want info on the Delta?
3. What order does Dumas give Philippe on the telephone?
4. Why does Dumas believe the Delta affair is over?
5. Does Philippe return to Paris?
6. Who is the imbecile?
7. What does one do, in general, in a cafe?
8. Is there a connection between Pilevski and the suspects?
9. What are the antennas for?
10. Who gives the plane permission to takeoff?
Episode 19
1. How does the Delta takeoff go?
2. Who is in the control tower?
3. Who is in the woods?
4. Where is Philippe?
5. Since he cant' talk to Muller-Faure, what does Philippe do?
6. Who is at the hospital?
7. Who is Philippe looking for at Pons?
8. Is there someone in Pilevski's house?
9. At what speed does the Delta usually fly?
10. What happens when a plane goes from mach 1 to mach 2?
Episode 23
1. What color are the clouds?
2. How high are the clouds?
3. How much fuel does the XA5 have?
4. Who has to escort Philippe and Sylvie back to Paris?
5. Who does Nougarede call?
6. What instructions does Muller-Faure give to Nougarede?
7. Who has to lead the police to the truck?
8. Who does Nougarede congratulate?
9. Is the Delta flying high?
10. Why do they sound the alarm?
Episode 24
1. Why is it difficult for Sylvie and Philippe to recognize the road?
2. How many kilometers are left to the truck?
3. Does the driver go slowly?
4. What does the Delta pilot hope to find under the clouds?
5. Where was the Inspector when he called?
6. What do they see on the way, on the road?
7. how many police enter the woods with the inspector?
8. Does the Delta catch fire?
9. What explodes?
10. Who wins the race against time?
Episode 25 :)
1. Who answers the pilot of the XA5 in the control tower?
2. Does he understand what's going on?
3. What is the explanation of the jamming?
4. What instructions do the flight chief give to the pilot?
5. What did Muller-Faure not believe?
6. How can they find where the Delta crashed?
7. Are the ambulances useful?
8. Is there a relationship between the client and the agents?
9. What did Pilevsky leave in his house?
10. What favor does Philippe ask of Muller-Faure?
11. Where is Sylvie going to follow Philippe?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

French I Artist Project May 12-13

Today you will learn about a famous French artist. Using the Internet, find as much information on your artist as possible and create a powerpoint about him/her. NO Wikipedia - some of the info is wrong. THIS WILL COUNT AS TWO DAILY GRADES SO DO A GOOD JOB!!!

FIRST SLIDE: name of artist and:
1. Born: when/where
2. Died: when/where/how?
3. find a photo or portrait of the artist and paste it on this slide
SECOND SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. Childhood/ growing up
2. Marriage / family
3. Education if any
THIRD SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. What age did they start painting/ creating art?
2. Mediums used (what did they work with? oil? acrylic? stone?)
3. Problems in life??
4. Economic situation: poor, rich?
5. 1 Major world event during this person’s lifetime:
FOURTH SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. What style of art did they create? impressionism, realism, modernism, etc.
2. Why is this person considered one of the great French artists?
FIFTH SLIDE: at least one image of their work and:
1. How much does this person's original work sell for today???
2. What museums display this person’s work today? Where can you find any of their work in America?

WHEN YOU ARE DONE: save your powerpoint to your H drive THEN
log into
under the Jump To menu, select homework drop boxes
find our drop box - Howell French I
save your powerpoint to the drop box by uploading from your H drive
you're done!


Activities on QUIA you can try to review for the spring exam:

subcategories to try:

avoir - present tense
passe compose